Macross "Eternal Love Song" (Turbo Graphix16) (2025)

If anybody is interested in making Macross 2036 or Eternal Love Song video game walk-throughs, then I would be interested in getting the video footage subtitled.

Here's Valkyrie's uncorrected english script for the Macross 2036 walk-through that he made.

"(music)(battle at space)

man narrator: since that time, nobody knows exactly how many times ZentraD has attacked.

a few years ago, he battle against Boduruza force destroyed the earth. HOwever

people on earth still fought back and destroyed the zentraD little by little because

the Bretai force remained in the earth and the shock of the song, people called

the shock of the song "Mimmei attack"

(black scene)


(a machine lands)

Lotto: I get it

(a machine is detroyed)

lotto: haha ... piece of cake

Maria: lotto, be careful.... above your head....

(a machine fires from above)

lotto: ah.....

Maria: lotto!..... this....


(game...)(until 20300)

lotto face: be careful, there is an unknown machine hidden in front.

Maria: o.k, just leave that one to me.

(a machine appears)

(mission complete)

man's voice: that's all for today

(maria, lotto and Bretai)

Bretai: you have improved your skill alot

Maria: because of your good advice, uncle

Bretai: stop calling me "uncle"

Maria: I'm sorry, uncle

Bretai: what is the level of your simulator?

maria: level 9

bretai: then it is time for you to go to the last stage. lotto, you have to repeat the lower

level again

lotto: yes

(maria on her bed)

bretai's voice: this is only my prediction but I guess the zentraD will attack in less than

a year. Maria, until that time, I want you to work as an ace pilot because

you have the blood of your parents.

Maria: that's easy for you to say

(black screen)

(zentraD force appear)

(a man on screen)

man A: Nuerudo commander, we reported to the planet Neptune but what are we supposed to do now?

commander: just leave the secret mission to that man, we are going to the planet mars.

man A: Yes sir!

(black screen)

man A: the commander put you in charged of the secret mission. We are going to the planet mars.

Man B: yes sir!

(man B's mouth scene)

man b: it is getting interested now.

(ships at the moon)

bretai: to all the training students, you are now at the last stage. we are going to hold in the

front side of the moon then you will graduate. you will also see your home planet after

a long interval. HOld in..

(ship dissapears)

(ship appears again)

bretai: what's wrong?

what happended?

isn't this a planet neptune?

man's voice: I don't understand what happend.

lotto: what happended? I don't see earth.

Maria: I don't understand but it is clear that this place is not in front side of the moon.

(black screen)

(something attacked)

man's voice: It's zentraD

bretai: what?

(kamuzi on screen)

kamuzin: that was only a greeting,.... bretai.

bretai: kamuzin, you're alive.

kamuzin: it's not my style to retreat so easily. I'm going to pay you back everything with interest

(black screen)

(screen words)


lotto: Maria, the real battle is different from the previous simulator.

maria: I know that, good luck to you too

(game battle)

(at the 176300 point)

*: they try to "hold"

maria: all ships pull back

(mission complete)

(black screen)

kamuzi: damn it! that guy is useless. wait a minutem that pilot's move.... it can't be....

(black screen)

(bretai with a man)

bretai: you are telling me that there is another battle going on at the planet mars right now

so they can not send the back up ships.

man: that is correct, sir

bretai: I wonder whether it is right to let the student on training fight in the real battle

with zentraD

(man on screen)

man: bretai commander, the report of what happended before has been analyzed.

bretai: let's hear it

(several ship on screen)

man's voice: one of the several ships of the zentraD in very strange. It seems that it is not a

battle ship.

bretai: it's not a battle ship? what do you mean by this?

man: I don't know exactly but after tracing the energy, it looks like the reason why we were

reported to the planet mars is in that ship.

bretai: I got it, it looks like it is better to make a first move.

(black screen)

(kamuzin on screen)

kamuzin: that stupid big thing makes a big target

man: you are talking about Okutigundura, right?

woman red-hair: but it is the main point and the important subject in this mission.

kamuzin: that is why I am talking about. that is the only garbage to me.

(kamuzin with his two subordinates)

kamuzin: Urimuzon, is the next plan ready yet?

Urimuzon: yeah, let's invite them to the small planet and test the new type of our machine!

kamuzin: just try to make it work by yourself. Ginna, when is that toy ready to go?

Ginna: " the toy"?

oh you must be talking about the big one. The body and the small parts had not been

assembled yet so it would take awhile.

Kamuzin: chi!!


kamuzin: what's wrong?

man's voice: captain, it's the enemy. they came from their ship

kamuzin: damn! I screw it. Ginna, Urimuzon, I leave it to two of you. but I myself wanted to get

that one with my own hand.

(black screen)


(game at 176300)

lotto: just cover me

maria: all right!

(game at 213900)

lotto: it's done. I'm going to return to our ship now

maria: there are two strong energies from the enemy ship.....they are coming....


(mission complete)

kamuzin: what the hell did you do in the battle?

Urimuzon: I'm sorry

Ginna: we'll get them next time for sure

kamuzin: it's fortunate that you two are still alive.

Ginna: I already had the Okutigundura reported to the planet Uranus

kamuzin: I see. that one is beginning to get on my nerve.

(maria cough)

lotto: what's wrong? did you get a cold?

maria: I don't know

(black screen)

(man on screen with bretai)

man: commander, I figured out what the strange ship of the zentraD has been used for.

bretai: oh!

man: It looks like that system is modified from the "fold " system. assume this system called

"cross-fold" if this system is activate, the second warp will be replaced with the first one.

bretai: I see, that's why we were "defold" to the planet mars right?

man: that's correct sir.

bretai: that system must be destroyed. let's follow the "cross fold" system at once.

man: yes sir. we are ready to "fold"

(black screen)

old-man: I'm sorry commander. our squad were in some sort of problems

commander: you got beaten?

old-man: but if you can send the back up, we can get the victory

commander: no, I think it is useless. the result will still be the same even though I send the


old-man: then what are we supposed to do?

commander: kamuzin will be assembled with us soon so let's wait until then.

old-man: then our subordinates stay with you until then

commander: umm.......

(bretai with maria)

maria: you have a plan?

bretai: plan might need you for back up

maria: what is your plan?

bretai: It is sort of dangerous plan

(bretai with lotto and maria)

bretai: are you two ready? there must be no mistakes in this mission

both maria and lotta: yes sir

lotto: to all the aircraft, just watch out for the aircrafts coming to you. maria, cover me

maria: leave it to me


lotto: it is going to collide with the front ship.

(a ship destroyed)

Urimuzon: the octy-Gundoula has been destroyed, I'm sorry

kamuzin: what happended, that is not your fault but what are we supposed to do next?

Urimuzon: I got messages from Nabaruto commander. we are suppposed to join with him after we

destroy the manufacture sattellite

kamuzin: the manufacture sattellite?

(a planet mars)

man: commander, all the *****

bretai: I can not let the training students join and fight on this ship any more.

Maria: uncle, is it true that I will also be out from the up-coming mission

bretai: that's right, maria

maria: why? I am the one who completed all the previous missions

bretai: the war is different from the simulation.

(man appears)

man: I got emergency messages. the manufacture satellite is under attacked by the zentraD

bretai: damn it! I screw it. because we were busy fighting at the planet mars, there is only

small force to defense.

(maria runs)

maria: I'm going

bretai: wait, maria.

lotto: oh, maria. don't leave me behind

maria: lotto, why did you follow me?

lotto: I have no choice because we are team

maria: just don't pull my leg behind



lotto: just leave this one outside to me

maria: all-right, let's help each other and get them all

(at 416300)

maria: what is this strong energy reaction?

(game continue)

(mission complete)

(black screen)

old-man: Nuerudo commander, kamuzin failed.

commander: nevermind, he is only expendable

old-man: the time has come, hasn't it

commander: have all the ships stand by for the battle.

old-man: yes sir

(black screen)

bretai: Gentle men, it is time to meet the centre ship of the enemy . we are not affort to lost

this one. put yourself together to defense ourselves

(black screen)


(man's face appears at 540600)

man: to all the ship, open the gate of the energy guns. target..... centre ship of the enemy

(enegy gun fires)

(battle continues)

lotto: maria, just leave this one to me

maria: alright. I will keep going inside the enemy ship

lotto: don't act rashly

maria: you too

(maria went inside enemy ship)

maria: what a big ship!

( game battle at 565300)

maria: is the boss right after this?

(game battle with the boss)

(black screen)

(boss is destroyed)

lotto: she came back

bretai: umm.....

maria: I'm back

(maria, bretai and lotto)

bretai: but about the manufacture satellite, you disobeyed the orders, that's why I have to punch

you for that.

maria: I understand

lotto: you mean I will be punished too

bretai: of course.

bretai: gentleman, you did a great job. however, it doesn't mean all the enemy has been destroyed

one day another enemy will appear but I believe that we will have complete victory someday

that is because we have the civilization. let's go back to our home planet earth!"

Edited by boinger

Macross "Eternal Love Song" (Turbo Graphix16) (2025)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.